A solid action plan for the benefit of music artists

Here are the proposals that the NPO Ambiance Musique has been implementing for several months and years:
We have set up a payment tool www.paiementmusique.ca which, in a few clicks, allows musicians to be paid with the desired fee. The amounts from the pension fund are automatically added to the total. The money is immediately redistributed to the beneficiaries while deducting work permits and practice contributions. At the beginning of the year, a T4A is issued to everyone who received a payment from this tool.
- to modernize the contract submission process with affordable solutions;
Several months ago, we proposed to the current administrators of the GMMQ a low-cost solution to file employment contracts via an online form. This solution included the receipt of a "csv" file ( comma-separated values) that could directly integrate the information into the current GMMQ system. According to our information, the current procedure is that employers must complete a paper form and GMMQ employees must transfer this same information into their computer system.
- to further support members in ensuring fair and systematic contributions to their pension fund;
An organization that presents shows that are publicly funded was taking a percentage of the musicians' fees. These deductions were not justified and the organization was not contributing to the Musicians' Pension Fund of Canada . By giving a few clues to GMMQ employees, the scheme was able to be stopped by our organization. This mechanism should be systematic, and this, without the monitoring work or intervention being carried out by the artists.
- to make representations so that public aid reaches musicians more directly;
Public funding for music is mostly absorbed by the administration. However, the profession of musician is the raw material of this industry. I want to continue to raise awareness among the various levels of government of this reality and propose projects for direct aid to musicians.
- to reconsider current pricing in certain sectors;
After the last few years, when the cost of living has exploded, it is difficult for me to accept that the social benefits provided to musicians are based on fees such as $137.50/show (even for the conductor) or $22/hour for a rehearsal. It is time to demonstrate that we work very hard to achieve a level of professionalism that is respectable.
- to address sectors that are neglected and unregulated;
For example, the performing arts sector is neglected and often unregulated. For example, producers bound by collective agreements can profit from a show without the regulations they must respect being applied. Loopholes in the legislation are being exploited and it is time to stop this hemorrhage that penalizes musicians.
- to find mechanisms to standardize accountability;
The payment tool www.paiementmusique.ca overseen by the NPO Ambiance Musique is a perfect example to establish this type of mechanism. When the payment goes through this tool, the traceability of the funds intended for the musicians is ensured.
- to provide incentives for the recruitment of non-member professional musicians.
The Ambiance Musique NPO has set up the AME project . This project, which was at the pilot project stage in 2023-2024, promotes the creation of jobs for musicians for background music in establishments. Direct financial assistance to musicians is appreciated by members and non-members. Even if the latter must be on leave for a certain period of time, they see it as an incentive because they benefit from social benefits and fair payment. This type of initiative could be transposed to other niche sectors of musical activities. For several months, Ambiance Musique has been demanding that this project be renewed by the CALQ in the form of a program.
- to work in concert with the Union of Artists for services of common interest;
Ambiance Musique has proposed a portal for musicians, singers and musicians. We are in the same commitments so it would be more efficient and especially attractive for employers to centralize the procedure for submitting contracts. Several services would be offered there which will concretize for artists the importance of having access to the social benefits provided by the UDA and the GMMQ. The proactivity of the Union des Artistes has made it possible to establish the bases of this project which would be beneficial for music artists.
- to enforce the payment of social benefits provided for musicians;
Adapting the law on the professional status of artists in the visual arts, crafts and literature and on their contracts with broadcasters (S-32.01) or convincing elected officials to establish a decree would allow the obligation to regulate payments for musicians when public money is involved. It is abnormal that state companies that deal with donors of works to provide artists have no accountability and refuse to contribute to the social safety net for artists.
- to establish with the authorities of the various levels of government a recognition plan for the profession of musician;
All the lobbying efforts carried out by Ambiance Musique ( Carrefour lobby Québec & Commissariat au lobbying du Canada ) are going in the same direction: professionalizing the profession of musician. Explaining the functioning, the remuneration and all the other issues associated with the profession of musician is a long process. Clearly these are new approaches that have never really taken place.